As I come into your presence
Pencil on paper, 63cm x variable dimensions (max 300cm).
This series of large-scale drawings explore ideas of slowness and duration, a resistance against the accelerated, linear, and objective temporality of late capitalism. Following the principal of material minimalism, each drawing is made using a single pencil on fragments of a cartridge paper roll to extend the time taken to complete the work. The shape was not preconceived: it’s not a drawing of a tree from an image or memory but something that revealed itself in a meditative process. Growing from top to bottom and without erasing any marks, the drawing is a record of lived time just like a tree trunk. Despite using a tool made to draw lines, barely any lines remain visible in its interior: moments of calm, boredom, frustration, and excitement blur into each other and stand in stark contrast to the clearly demarcated, negative space surrounding it.